Editors' Note

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Dear colleagues,

HSE University’s School of World Economy is pleased to present the Contemporary World Economy Journal, which will be published quarterly in both Russian and English.

The launch of the Journal is an important step for us. Russia has very few academic journals on the world economy. Consequently, there is almost no academic discussion in this field. This slows down the development of the discipline—creating a research community, increasing the number of specialists, the provision of expertise for policymakers, and informing the general public. As a result, the breadth and depth of the understanding of global economic processes in the economic community is lacking, leading to incorrect and late perceptions of global trends, underuse of opportunities for international cooperation, and errors in decisionmaking.

Professional discussion of international economic problems has never been more vital than today, when the object of study is undergoing probably the most sweeping changes of the past half-century. The competitive advantages of the largest national economies and the nature of the relationships between them are changing; globalization processes are transforming (and in some areas stopping); the era of high inflation in the developed world is returning; the scope of the debt crisis is expanding; financial stability faces new threats; digital technologies and green transition are changing key industries; inequalities within the leading countries are reaching critical levels; and humanity is still searching for ways to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Journal aims to outline the field of knowledge of the "World Economy," and to become a platform for discussing global economic problems and Russia’s place and opportunities in the global economy. As a bilingual journal, it is also intended to serve as a tool for the exchange of opinions between Russian and foreign authors, bringing the views of Russian economists to their foreign colleagues, and the content of international discussions to Russian-speaking audiences.

The launch of a journal on the world economy is a harmonious addition to the HSE University’s work in this area: the Annual Conference on the Global Economy, the World Economy section of the Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, academic seminars at the School of World Economy, and the GlobBaro HSE monitor.

The Journal will publish articles focusing on the problems of economic agents’ interaction in the global environment. These problems can be divided into a number of large blocks:

  • Economic growth and cycles in different countries and regions.
  • Social development, poverty, and inequality in income, consumption, and wealth.
  • Demography, uneven growth and changes in the population age structure; migration problems.
  • International trade and economic integration, supply chains and issues regarding their regulation.
  • International finance, financial crises, and mutual influences of various countries’ monetary policies.
  • International companies’ activities on the global markets, their competition, strategies, and functions.
  • Provision of energy resources, the institutional and technological transformation of the world’s energy sector.
  • Sustainable development (including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals), resource and environmental problems, including issues pertaining to the green transition of the world economy.
  • Economic consequences of technical change, including the transition to a digital economy.
  • Development of the major countries and associations with a focus on their economic and political systems.
  • Country economic comparative studies and the impact of development transformations in leading countries (especially the United States, BRICS, and the EU) on global processes.
  • Global economic cooperation and governance.
  • Russia’s participation in the world economy and its position in each of the areas mentioned above.

Research methods can be both qualitative and quantitative. We welcome the academic analysis of the stylized facts observed in the world economy, based on the formulation of hypotheses and the analysis of statistical data. At the same time, we equally welcome new ideas, generalizations, and the identification of new patterns in global economic processes. A special emphasis in the Journal’s work is placed on stimulating academic discussion. For example, the journal welcomes feedback on previously published research and will publish reviews of articles and books, as well as materials from roundtables, including those organized by the Journal itself, to discuss current events or published articles.

We will be glad to reach out to new contributors, partners, and readers and very much look forward to building a first-class journal with you.

Yours sincerely,
Chief Co-Editors
Leonid Grigoryev
Igor Makarov