The New Issue of the Contemporary World Economy Journal: Energy Outlook, Transitional Climate Risks, and More
The fifth issue of Contemporary World Economy has been published online. Vyacheslav Kulagin, Dmitry Grushevenko and Anna Galkina present the main results of the ERI RAS scenario forecast of global and Russian energy sector development up to 2050. Leonid Grigoryev (HSE University) discusses the current picture of the development of the global economy and analyzes the reports of the international organizations. Yulia Sokolova (UrFU) models the impact of transitional climate risks on the dynamics of Russian regional exports. Alexey Portanskiy (HSE University, IMEMO RAS), based on the WTO Ministerial Conference held in early 2024, examines the accumulated problems of the WTO. Two articles are devoted to digital initiatives in ASEAN: Evgeny Kanaev and Dmitry Fedorenko (HSE University) focus on the impact of these initiatives on the Singapore’s economy, while industry experts Alexander Titov, Oliver Nalevanko, Roman Gaintdinov, Duane Dizon and Amor Maclang talk about ASEAN’s achievements and prospects in the digital economy. The overview of the roundtable “Prospects for the Development of the World Economy in the Context of Global Economic Fragmentation” is also published in this issue.